An Exclusive Invitation For You To Sit In On The Upcoming Empire Mastermind Meeting Where Millionaires Across Industries Share the Secrets to 5X, 10X, and 20X Their Business Growth.

May 20-21, 2020 | Chino Hills, California

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Dear Highly Driven Entrepreneur: The Empire Mastermind Group is typically reserved for entrepreneurs whose businesses are already generating $500,000 or more in annual revenue. This is where I, Bedros Keuilian, and my business partner Craig Ballantyne help you smash through bottlenecks, teach you how to find 10X opportunities hidden in your business, and help you turn your business into an empire.

Except that I noticed a problem:

You might have the fire in your belly and the clarity of purpose to become a 7 or even an 8 figure earner…but you’ve hit a plateau in your business growth.

You might be the next captain of your industry…but you keep getting bottlenecked and missing opportunities because you can’t execute fast enough.

You might even be the next Uber-style disruptor who is going to break all the rules and create explosive wealth in the process…but you are struggling to replicate and scale your unique solution for the masses.

That’s why I created the opportunity for you to sit in on 2 days of my Empire Mastermind Group, where you’ll learn from and network with the millionaires who are creating 5X, 10X, and 20X growth in their businesses right now across industries like supplements, coaching, brick and mortar chains, and franchises.

This advanced group is only for high-achieving and experienced entrepreneurs who are committed to reaching their fullest potential and building a massively profitable business.

This is not a group of beginners, which is why we require that you’re at least making half a million dollars in gross revenue to be accepted to sit in on this two day exclusive mastermind.

Since space is very limited, we’re accepting participants on a first come, first serve basis.

Click to Apply

Meet Bedros Keuilian:

Each day over 2.1 million people use a product, service, or coaching program created by Bedros Keuilian. He’s the founder and CEO of the international franchise Fit Body Boot Camp, and a high performance coach to entrepreneurs, CEOs, and best selling authors.

He’s best known for his ability to help his clients break though business bottlenecks, fast-track their goals and growth, become more effective leaders, and scale businesses to their fullest potential.

In addition to his coaching, consulting, and franchising empire, Bedros is also an investor and equity holder in companies across a variety of industries, including digital advertising, education, personal growth, software (SAAS) and real-estate.

Meet Craig Ballantyne:

He’s the co-owner of, the world’s most dependable source of health and wealth-building advice, and the author of The Perfect Day Formula: How to Own the Day and Control Your Life.

In the first stage of his 20-year career helping people transform their lives, Craig created Turbulence Training, the world’s first high-intensity home workout program that has been used by over 1 million people around the world.

Craig then evolved into teaching other experts how to build an online business, earning the title of The Godfather because he launched so many careers in the fitness industry. He has been the most-trusted mentor of many of the most successful health and fitness entrepreneurs of this century, including Joel Marion of and Isabel De Los Rios, creator of Beyond Diet.

In his third evolution, Craig became known as The World’s Most Disciplined Man, and today he helps high performers, executives, and entrepreneurs running $5 to $250 million businesses to structure their days so they can scale their companies, all without sacrificing their health or family life.

And here are the special guest experts you’ll learn from and network with:


Tim Larkin

“Breakin’ Necks & Cashing Checks”

Tim Larkin Tim Larkin is the media’s “go to” guy for stories on victim violence, and has been inducted into the Black Belt Hall of Fame. He’s also been BANNED from the UK for his stance on self-defense.
As a result of his controversial past, Tim has had to invent NEW ways of marketing his courses, coaching, and best-selling books. He is NOT allowed on Facebook or other popular media channels, and yet he has built a multi-million dollar Empire — and he will show you how to do the same, no matter what your industry.
Tim has a 25 year career of training over 10,000 clients in 52 countries including Military Special Operations Units, Special Law Enforcement Teams, celebrities, and high profile business leaders to defend against attackers. His program is the original Reality Based Fighting System.


Cameron Herold

Cameron Herold Simplifying business problems and guiding business leaders to previously unimagined success. That’s what hundreds of organizations — including a Big 4 wireless carrier and a monarchy — have experienced and that’s what Cameron Herold’s coaching, speaking and business books bring to passionate businesses and entrepreneurs worldwide. Cameron doesn’t espouse theory, he weaves “in the trenches experience”, gleaned through building $100 Million companies. Called “the best speaker I’ve ever heard” by Forbes magazine publisher, Rich Karlgaard, Cameron captures business audiences, educates them and empowers them to take the actionable steps needed for hyper-growth. An author of two successful business titles, Double Double and Meetings Suck, Cameron cuts through the business-speak, slays unproductive processes, and guides business on the shortest, simplest path to exponential success.


Chris Harder

Blessed to retire from corporate america at age 34, Chris Harder is now paying it forward by Life and Career Coaching a few select clients at a time, while running one of the most successful podcasts in its genre, For The Love Of Money on iTunes. Through a wealth of experiences in executive management, Chris has come to realize that your life, career, financial and physical goals are all intertwined together, and you can’t fix one without addressing the others. He believes that doesn’t have to be overwhelming if you have the right partnership, and a very specific process to accomplish them. That’s why it’s his mission to help “good people make good money so they can do great things.”


“The Facebook Scale Machine”

An introverted business owner, “The Facebook Scale Machine” wanted to grow his business without schmoozing. So Bedros, his coach, helped him master Facebook ads and offers. He took to FB ads like a Cross-Fitter to power cleans and soon he was crushing it. Today he helps offline AND online businesses scale through smart and profitable Facebook advertising. In just one hour, he helped Craig Ballantyne’s marketing team 5X their results on Facebook, so just imagine what he’ll be able to do for you at the 2-day Empire Mastermind.


“The $3 Billion Man”

Like Bedros, “The $3 Billion Man” once had to dumpster dive for food. But unlike Bedros, he once had to fight a raccoon for a pop-tart! That makes him even tougher and perhaps gives him even more Immigrant Edge than BK! More importantly, he becomes a sales-closing superhero machine when he straps on a headset. He is the ultimate sales strategist and phone closer. Plus, he’s led teams of hundreds of agents and has been the CEO of a massive real estate company. So, it doesn’t matter where you need to Man Up and become a better leader in your organization, he has the experience to guide you along the way.

“The Human ATM”

“The Human ATM” is a copywriting machine. His magic words helped scale a supplement company well into 8 figures, and he cashed out with enough money to disappear forever. But he is obsessed with helping small business owners turn words into money, and he’s going to reveal­—for the FIRST time—­his system for making BIG bucks with your expertise.

What Members of the Empire Mastermind Are Saying…

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This is a limited time opportunity, and space is very limited. We are accepting participants on a first come, first served basis.

Lift yourself out of your present circumstances. See the opportunities and impact that have been waiting for you. Apply today and walk the path of the empire builder.
Payment for Empire Coaching is non-refundable. If you are unable to attend the event you will be able to attend a similar event at a later date.
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How Did You Hear About The Empire Mastermind Group® (if you were referred to us, please indicate who referred you)*Tell us about your business:*Tell us about your accomplishments:*Tell us about your business goals:*Are you the Owner/CEO?
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