For the most part really rich people didn’t start off that way. Most in fact started off poor and broke – probably a lot like you.
Sure, a small percent of rich people came from a rich family and simply continued on with the family legacy… but MOST people who are insanely rich started off like you and me… broke.
For me, not only was I broke and living in Section 8 housing when my family and I moved to the United States, I also had no idea how to become rich and financially free. I was clueless!
Even in my late teens I remember thinking “If I only knew the secret to becoming rich then I can do it”.
I didn’t have IG or YouTube to access content on business, money and personal growth when I was growing up so the only things I had were books, tapes and CDs and the people around me to learn from.
But I’m getting ahead of myself. This isn’t about me…
This is about you and how you can get rich, too.
But before I give you the 3 facts that I know about insanely rich people, let me first share with you the 2 things I know about broke people.
1) Broke people are MASTERS of making excuses. They’ll blame the lack of money, the lack of time, their parents, the economy… they’ll blame anything to justify being broke. It’s like they make more effort trying to stay broke than trying to get rich.
2) Broke people spend their money on liabilities – things that go down in value. They’ll buy cars they can’t afford, a TV they can’t afford, clothes they can’t afford and go out for meals they can’t afford… charging everything up on credit cards that pile on high interest rates.
These two things alone guarantee that a broke person will stay broke for life!
Rich people however do things differently. Even though we were once broke, poor and uneducated about money and business, we did something about it.
1) Insanely rich people take ownership of EVERYTHING in their lives. The rich take full responsibility, even when they are broke. They understand that they are broke because of their habits, thoughts and actions and they take ownership of these things and they change them.
2) Insanely Rich people invest in assets. Even when I was broke, what little money I had I invested in the number one asset I knew – ME. I’d buy used books and tapes of business, sales and marketing education. I’d borrow books and CD’s from people who had them. Every book, tape and CD about business and personal growth I could get my hands on I would. Even if I had to pay to rent these things from people I know. Even today, I invest in myself and I invest in other assets that appreciate in value – my businesqs, other businesses that I take equity in, Crypto and real estate.
3) Insanely rich people manage, prioritize and protect their time. Unlike broke people who don’t value time, the rich know that time is the MOST valuable thing of all. You can make more money, but you can’t make more time. When I was broke I learned to manage my time to maximize productivity. Then I learned to prioritize my work so that I can focus most on the things that would make me the most money. And finally I learned to protect my time from people and things that wanted to waste it.
I want to show you how to become insanely rich and build a beautiful life of freedom and abundance. All you need to do is get your tickets to BK LIVE taking place September 13th and 14th in Scottsdale AZ. Like I said, you’ve got to invest in yourself like the rich so and you’ve got to not make excuses like the broke do.
VIP tickets are sold out, but you can still get general admission tickets to BK LIVE HERE.
See you in Scottsdale!