Are You a Warrior or a Gardener?

Bruce Lee once said, “It’s better to be a warrior in a garden than to be a gardener in a war.”

I couldn’t agree more, and it’s why we teach men at the Modern Day Knight Project this.

Let’s face reality, you and I aren’t Bruce Lee fighting bad guys in Enter the Dragon. Or fighting on a battlefield in a foreign country like my Navy SEAL my buddies, Ray Care and Jason Redman did. 

Hollywood makes blockbuster movies about these battles. The battles you and I face don’t often get that type of limelight. Our daily battles are growing a business, getting in shape, or simply dealing with idiots.

I share this with you for one specific reason.

It doesn’t matter if you’re in a battle with terrorists or in a battle to get your toddler to go to sleep on time…

If you don’t SEE and FEEL the winning outcome clearly in your mind… GAME OVER. 

If there’s even the thinnest shred of doubt in your mind, the battle is lost before it starts.

I don’t want you to lose before you start, so here are two simple tips to get your mind “on point” before any battle:

  1. Create a state of positive mental attitude that stacks the odds of winning in your favor.
  1. Develop mental focus and discipline. And ruthlessly protect your mind from negative people and negative thoughts that want to ambush your progress!

I can’t stress this enough.

The battles you get into are won or lost in the mind before it’s ever fought on the battlefield.

Don’t lose before it starts.

Win before it starts.

Talk soon,


Bedros Keuilian

PS. If you’re an entrepreneur, you know that you need systems. Systems do just what we mentioned, your results become predictable. Whether that’s leadership, marketing and sales or operating systems, it’s the only way you can scale and dominate your industry. If you’re a reader of this blog, you want all the business and mindset secrets I’ve utilized in my life. On January 21’s 2022, Im hosting a Full-Day In-Person Mastermind at my HQ here in Southern California. I’m dropping in depth strategies when it comes to all my operating, lead generating and even my leadership systems that helped me grow Fit Body Bootcamp to one of the fastest growing franchises in history, sell my coaching program for $100,000 per year, and grow my Supplement company to 8-figures in just 2 and a half years. DM me on Instagram “Mastermind” to get the details and how you can get on board. Find me on instagram by clicking here! See you Jan. 21’st

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