Whether you realize it or not, you’re selling something every day.
You’re selling in your business, relationships, family. You’re even selling people when you talk about a movie you really enjoyed.
Everything is sales and persuasion.
People think selling is slimy. When you think of a salesman, you probably imagine a guy in a suit with a big toothy grin ready to lie his way into your wallet.
But really, it’s the most genuine thing you can do. So today we’re going to break the myth and show you why selling isn’t as bad as people think.
Let’s talk about the last time I was really sold on something.
The Last Time I Was Sold
I was recently introduced to Pete Vargas, the creator of the Advance Your Reach workshop, by Craig.
Pete’s whole thing is teaching people how to sell themselves and get booked on more stages to expand their reach and sell more of their products.
And the way Pete sold it to me, made me want to buy.
I believe most people are buyers. We love to buy things and have experiences, the difference is the person’s ability to buy vs their desire to buy.
And Pete got me to desire the two-day workshop and got me to pay for two people to fly out there for the weekend because I saw the value in it.
As I was speaking with Pete, right off the bat I felt he was being genuine. So I was already ready to listen to his pitch. Second, Craig and Shawna Kaminski, two trusted friends, referred him to me.
For something that’s high-end and requires more money and effort to attend, you don’t want come as a cold call. You want to come referred.
My guard was already down because Pete was well referred by people I know, like, and trust.
From there, he forced me to identify the problem, he told me the solution, and showed me how his event created the bridge for me to get to my goal.
I told him I’m writing this book called “Man Up”, and I want to make it a NY Times Best-seller. One of the ways I want to do that is by bulk orders of sales.
When the book comes out in July 2018, I want the people a these events to buy my books in bulk.
He explained the process behind getting booked, from the approach to the introduction to getting the reviews.
He showed me the “what” I’m missing, but he didn’t tell me how to get it. I would have to attend the workshop.
I told him I don’t have the time or desire to come out, and he overcame that objection by telling me to send a trusted member from my team.
Boom, sale closed.
How a Contractor Lost a $200,000 Sale
I’m building a gym for my team just down the street from the HQ.
So one day I was talking to the contractor to figure out the flooring, ceiling adjustments, etc. This guy came referred, but ironically, he talked me out of the sale because he kept making suggestions I didn’t want.
He didn’t listen to who I am or what I want. He was treating me like I was just some regular opening a gym, unaware that I’m actually in the fitness industry.
This guy was talking about adding a bunch of treadmills, and I’m thinking “I could give two shits about treadmills.”
I told him what I wanted, and he kept pushing me towards these big hotel gyms that I didn’t want.
A $200,000 sale down the drain.
The Biggest Mistake People Make in Selling
The biggest mistake people make when making a sale is transference of feelings.
If you feel like what you’re selling is too expensive and you don’t think they’ll be able to afford it, then you start subconsciously talking yourself out of the sale.
Or, you can be like that contractor and think that you know what your prospect wants better than what they tell you they want.
These transference of feelings/misinterpreting what the person wants is the worst thing you can do because you’re making assumptions without validations.
Remember this phrase: when you assume, you make an ass out of you and me.
Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for the Sale
Craig does this great thing where he starts the sale on social media or through a personal introduction.
If Craig is starting on social media, those people that follow him are already holding him at a high esteem.
They started the conversation by “liking” or commenting on his posts, which gives him permission to message those people and ask them to come to his next workshop.
Your followers see the proof in the pudding when you post your successful events or testimonials.
Once you’re talking to them, never let the conversation die.
Go In Hot!
One of the best ways to go into a sale is to come in warm or hot. People are automatically more interested in what you’re offering when they’re referred by someone they trust.
Two, you have to come off as likeable and authentic.
Ever noticed how you can meet someone and feel like they’re your new best friend, and then you meet someone else and they make the hair on your neck stand up?
You have to be self aware. The more talking you do, the more you talk people out of a sale.
Most people think if they do enough talking, they’ll say something that resonates with you and you’ll buy. That’s not the case.
Our job as the closer is to ask enough open ended questions to talk them into the sale, and there’s three specific things you need to ask:
- Where are you right now in your life?
- Where do you want to go between now and a given period of time?
- What are your pains and frustrations stopping you from getting there?
Because this is a touchy area for a lot of people, you have to make them feel understood. Say “I understand, I’ve felt the same way before.”
Don’t come off as perfect. Perfect equals cold, and vulnerable equals warm.
That’s the great thing about social media – you can share your story and struggles and build a connection with thousands of people.
They’ll see how they can identify with you, and find these golden threads to hold onto.
So that’s what you gotta do. Stir the pot with questions, and then give them those golden threads to build that relationship.
To listen to Craig and I cover all of this and more, click here to watch our podcast.