How To Build A Predictably Successful Business

I wasn’t always the guy who had the “magic touch” where business success was concerned. 

In fact, the first two businesses I started failed miserably. Truth be told, I didn’t think I did anything wrong… I just figured they were bad business ideas, but the reality was screwed up in the areas that matter most. 

Today I see that happen all the time with business owners… 

…you’ll come up with a great product or service idea, but your business never seems to get traction or momentum. That’s the worst feeling in the world! 

It’s like no matter how hard you work at launching your business it ends up struggling for years or ultimately you end up shutting it down. 

For me, the BIG breakthrough came when my first mentor explained to me how ALL business success breaks down to these three things: 

1) The Product

2) The People 

3) The Processes 

That’s all there is to it! All businesses will hinge their success on these three things. 

It goes without saying that you need a great product that solves a problem that people have or serves a desire that people have. 

The product has to be great – not good, not acceptable, but GREAT. 

Assuming you have a great product then you move on to the people – that means you the leader and your employees. 

You have to have a clear vision of where you want your business to go and you have to know how to lead yourself and your people in getting your business to the promised land. 

Your people (employees) have to be bought into your business, idea, vision and passion. They need to be just as excited and driven to see your business succeed as you are. If your people lack passion, buy in or confidence then it will show in your business. Mediocre people produce mediocre results. That’s just how it is. 

Finally, the processes… 

Everything you do in your business should be driven by processes. 

– Marketing processes 

– Sales processes 

– Fulfillment processes 

– Customer support/service processes 

When you have processes in place and you have competent people running those processes then your business becomes an industry dominator! 

If you want me to help you scale your business and brand bigger, faster and with higher profits then you might be a good fit for my Domination Year Private Mentorship Program.


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