Everyone loves to talk about big dreams and goals for this year.
You’ll probably see all the motivational quotes and videos if you check your Instagram right now.
Everyone telling you about what they’re “going to” do.
- Making seven figures.
- Having time freedom.
- Getting in the best shape of their life.
- Building that dream relationship.
But one year from now, most of them will be in the exact same spot.
- Working the same job.
- Living in the same house.
- Same weight (or heavier).
- Dealing with the same problems.
Wondering why their crystal-clear vision hasn’t translated into real-world results.
It’s not because they don’t want it bad enough.
You see…
I’ve played the game long enough to know this harsh truth about why most people stay exactly where they are…
The thing you need to understand about achieving your vision is this:
Everyone can have a vision of where they want to be.
But a vision without aligned action is just daydreaming.
Your vision for who you want to be one year from now is built through the daily small decisions you can make today.
Want more money? Show me your money-making activities from yesterday.
Want time freedom? Show me your calendar from last week.
Want better relationships? Show me your daily investment in them.
Achieving what you want in life isn’t complicated…
It just requires BRUTAL honesty about the gap between what you say you want and what you’re actually doing about it.
Most people say they want to build an empire but spend their mornings scrolling social media.
They claim they want financial freedom but won’t invest in learning the skills to get there.
They talk about building something meaningful but waste their best hours on $10/hour tasks.
Your daily actions are either supporting your vision or they’re sabotaging it.
There’s no middle ground.
Because success isn’t built in some magical moment of breakthrough or another new year.
It’s built in those small daily decisions you make. Those small decisions compound over time into massive change.
And the truth is…
Your vision of who you want to become is already inside you.
The foundation for everything you want in life is available right now.
Now all you have to do is be willing to be brutally honest with that man in the mirror and back it up with an INSANE amount of aligned action.
And if you need some help, here’s how we can turn your big dreams into an even bigger reality.
I believe in you.
Talk soon,
Bedros Keuilian
P.S. Want to learn exactly how to align your daily actions with your biggest vision?
Join us in the Legacy Tribe where we’re showing entrepreneurs the blueprint for turning big dreams into an even bigger reality.
When you join the Legacy Tribe, you’ll get:
- The exact blueprint successful entrepreneurs use to turn vision into reality
- Weekly coaching to keep you focused and accountable
- A tribe of driven entrepreneurs who push you to level up