Only Losers Fake It Till They Make It

I know the goofball gurus out there tell you to fake it till you make it, but that’s stupid advice! 

Don’t do that. 

There’s nothing worse than feeling like an imposter. And when you do the ol’ fake it till you make it maneuver then you really fuck things up for yourself. 

Faking it is false confidence.  

If you want to have the confidence that attracts people to you like a super magnet then you gotta do the work that makes you a pro, builds your reputation and give you REAL street credibility.


And if you don’t have it… do the work to build it. 

Trust me, I bought fancy watches and fast cars to help create the image of confidence. I puffed up my track record to show the world that I was the real deal… 

…and any person smarter than a 5th grader could spot that I was faking it a mile away. Even worse, I felt like a total fraud and imposter.

How you become confident is through competency. Do the sets and reps until you get the wins. 

Building your confidence creates the magnet that draws people to you.

Building your confidence gives you the charisma and smarts to lead your business and your family. 

Building your confidence how people will respect you for your work and contribution. 

So how do you build your confidence?

You build your confidence by stacking “W’s” throughout the day.

The more wins you stack, the more fortified your confidence gets. 

And the more W’s you stack the more people take notice and show respect. 

And do you know what the kryptonite of confidence is? “L’s”

See that’s the thing… most people spend their days stacking losses. 

Collecting “L’s” is how you quickly break down your confidence and feel like a useless piece of shit. 

One of the smallest yet most powerful ways to shatter your confidence is by hitting snooze in the morning. I talk about this in my book Man Up and go into the subconscious triggers that crush confidence. 

Hitting snooze stacks the first “L” of the day, and you haven’t even peed yet.

Then skipping the workout that you planned to have in the morning is another “L”. And if you keep breaking the promises that you made to yourself all day then you end up stacking a shit ton of L’s. 

Do you think your confidence will be broken to bits? Of course!

Now imagine not hitting snooze every day and stacking up the “W’s”…

Where do you think your confidence will be? 

And imagine keeping your promise to yourself and getting that workout in, and eating clean, and making those sales calls. 

That’s stacking wins motherfucker! And over time you build that body, business or make the impact that you wanted and you gain the respect of everyone around you. 

The formula to being confident is simple, and it all starts by not hitting snooze.

Talk soon, 


PS. If you want to achieve more in life go here and get a free digital copy of my best selling book Man Up.

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