I’m a firm believer that in order to elevate in life we must continually put ourselves in uncomfortable situations.

Voluntary adversity. 

Doing something tough, new, and challenging doesn’t just push us beyond our comfort zone – it makes us more capable in dealing with life’s hardships and adversities when they come up. 

That’s exactly why back in 2010, I did something most people thought was crazy. 

Even though I’m 6 foot and 230 pounds I decided to train for and run a full marathon in just six weeks.

Keep in mind – I had never run more than half a mile at the time, hated running with a passion, and was just a meathead who lifted weights.

I share this with you because most people are trying to build mental toughness the wrong way…

When I hired a running coach and told her I wanted to run a marathon in six weeks, she looked at me like I was insane.

But something inside me knew this wasn’t just about running. This was about breaking through my own limitations and the false beliefs systems I had. 

Those six weeks changed everything.

Not just because I finished the marathon. 

But because it taught me something crucial about mental toughness and resilience. 

You can’t build it by reading books.

You can’t develop it by watching motivational videos.

You can’t fake it with social media posts.

You build mental toughness by doing the ONE THING that scares you most.

Since that first challenge, I’ve done 2-4 challenges every year that put me out of my comfort zone. 

Each one makes me more resilient, more resourceful, and more confident. And that translates into a better life, making more money and being happier with where I am in life.

It’s shaped me into a better leader. 

It’s why I created the 26.2 Marathon Challenge.

There’s something very powerful that takes place within you when you sign up for a marathon, train for six weeks and then run and complete the damn thing!

Six weeks is just long enough to keep you in a state of suffering, adversity and to prove to yourself that you can do something hard if you commit to it.

Adversity always introduces a man to his highest self.

Because that’s what mental toughness is really about – following through when most people would quit.

Want to know the craziest part?

This kind of transformation is available to anyone willing to push past their comfort zone.

You don’t have to be special.

You don’t have to be gifted.

You just have to be willing to do what others won’t.

If you’re looking to push yourself in 2025 then take the 26.2 Challenge. I created the entire training program along with the recovery and nutrition program for you so there’s nothing for you to figure out. 

It’s completely free – with literally no catch other than the promise of you seeing it through and leveling up to the better version of you. 

Sign up for the 26.2 Challenge for FREE. 

Talk soon,

Bedros Keuilian

P.S. Mental toughness is a man’s best ally in any season of life. Learn how you can conquer any season of life by clicking below.

I’m giving away my complete 6-Week Marathon Challenge – including the full training program, nutrition guide, and mindset videos – absolutely FREE. 

Click here to sign up.

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