Look around and you’ll notice the world’s gotten pretty soft and complacent.

Everyone wants to be a baller, but no one is willing to ball. 

Fewer and fewer people want to put sweat equity in to get the lifestyle and freedom they desire. 

Now it’s easy to blame society, the economy, or the next big distraction. 

But here’s the truth:

Your success is dictated by your willingness to do the hard work and to stick to it when everyone else would have quit. 

The second you stop pushing your limits, you stop growing…period.

That’s why I keep myself locked in and on task by having “success reminders” around me.

These reminders send a clear message to the universe, “I’m here to do the work”.

I share this with you because I’ve witnessed firsthand how crucial it is to keep meaningful reminders front and center. 

So if you need a little nudge today, here are some words I live by:

  1. “Comfort Is a Slow Death. Prefer Pain.”

Comfort is the silent killer of ambition. It tricks you into thinking everything’s fine when, deep down, you’re stagnating. 

Real growth happens in moments of discomfort…when you’re sweating, failing, and fighting to get back up. Embrace that struggle. It’s the fastest way to level up your mind, body, and business.

  1. “No One Owes You. No One Owns You.”

We live in a world that loves excuses and entitlements, but guess what? Nobody owes you success. 

If you want something, put in the work. Flip that switch in your head and realize your potential is yours alone. When you do you’ll understand that no one can take your success from you, and no one can hand it to you, either.

  1. “Live Your Dash.”

You’ve got two dates in life: the day you’re born and the day you die. The dash in between is your story…the problem is too many people waste it living in mediocrity. 

Don’t be one of them. Make that dash count. Hustle, stay hungry, and infuse every day with purpose.

Look, I’m a big believer that true success thrives when you surround yourself with the right surroundings and people. 

However finding a community of like-minded individuals is rare as it is priceless. 

And I’ve been fortunate to build my circle of people who refuse to be average and who keep pushing forward in the face of adversity. 

To attract those people into your orbit, you’ve got to show up and prove you’re willing to do the work. 

That’s exactly why I wear Few Will Hunt. If there was ever a uniform for hard workers, this is it! 

They’re not just a brand…they’ve built a community of hundreds of thousands who aren’t afraid to come together and collectively put in the WORK.

Because in a soft world… 

It’s up to us to step up, do the work, and inspire others to do the same.

Talk soon,

Bedros Keuilian

P.S. If any of these words to live by struck a chord then pick them up at Few Will Hunt. Each piece of gear is made proudly in the USA and is always a conversation starter. 

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