Day: March 14, 2018

How to Attract Positive People

You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.

Take it from me. I used to hang around with bozos and clowns. Even though I knew I wanted to own a seven figure business empire, those people were dragging me down and limiting my potential.

Then I decided to man up and surround myself with mentors and people who could level up my game.

When you make that change yourself, your circle will fill up with positive people, like-minded individuals, and people who will challenge you to become a better person and professional.

Work on Yourself

Who you are is who you’ll attract. Therefore your first step is to become the person you’re meant to be.

This is when you have to take a hard look at yourself in the mirror and find out who you are.

If I have lowlife dudes with no passion, no purpose hanging around me, that’s probably because I’m giving off an asshole vibe.

But you’ll be stunned at how much you can grow if you eliminate negative self-talk, if you’re grateful for the positive people already in your life, and if you pay it forward.


Know Who and What You Want Around You

Craig gave me this really great exercise that you can try:

Think of a positive person that you’d love to emulate. Better yet, think of the type of people you’d want in your circle.

Now write down the characteristics and values that make that type of person who they are.

Those are the same traits that you want to teach yourself. This will help you be more positive, and the quality of the people in your life will go way up.

Be clear on who you want in your life and don’t settle.

Give Without Expectations

You know what people love more than anything? Free stuff. And the universe has a funny way of rewarding you when you give without expectations.

If you want a mentor to keep you accountable but don’t know how to kick off the conversation, being kind and offering them something free is a great place to start.

This guy, Amar, reached out to me a while ago. He said he could make my social media following explode.

Of course, I have my guard up. What is this guy after?

Nothing. He just wanted to connect with me.

Lo and behold, he handled our Fit Body Boot Camp social media like a pro…

You know what Amar did right? His thought was, “How can I help this person.” Not, “How will this person help me?”

Know Your Worth

“Wait, B, but what if I have nothing to offer people like you?”

My answer? Look harder.

Everyone has something to give. YOU have something to give. And if you can’t think of anything to offer, you can always ask this magic question:

“What can I do for you?”

Even if they don’t need anything from you, they’ll at least appreciate your willingness to serve them. That can open the doors to a relationship and another positive person to add to your circle.

Want More?

Click here to check out this week’s podcast episode that Craig and I recorded together.