Day: November 8, 2017

How to Have an Empire State of Mind

If you own a business, you probably pride yourself on thinking big.

Let me ask you something, are you just thinking big, or EMPIRE BIG?

At some point, you have to make that shift if you want your business to scale. Hell, I even had to force some of my 7 Figure Mastermind members to make the shift.

These guys are doing extremely well in their businesses, making 7 figures a year, but it was tough getting them to go from thinking big to empire big.

I had to pull them out from the weeds where they were so focused on things like funnels.

Reality is, funnels don’t make an empire.

Think Bigger

The first step to becoming a 7 figure earner is to stop working in your business and start working on your business.

But then when it’s time to build an empire, and you’re going from 1 million to 10 million, you gotta start thinking bigger.

And not just bigger, different.

Grant Cardone started off buying homes, now he’s buying apartments. He’s getting more bang for his buck because he’s thinking bigger.

When you work in real estate, and if the economy goes bad, you have a risk of going bankrupt. Whether you buy 3 homes or 3 apartment buildings, that risk is still there.

You may as well go all in, because if you don’t go bankrupt, guess what? Buying apartment homes gives you far greater benefits than buying homes.

Grant Cardone is in an empire state of mind.

Once you start thinking better, the next question you have is “How many zeros do I want to add to the revenue I’m generating?”

I’m the kind of guy who’s always looking for my next big thing.

I’m going to open my own BK steakhouse in my community because why the fuck not?

Of course you’re going to have people in your life who will say “Oh why do you want to do that? That’s gonna be too much work. Why don’t you just be happy with your slice of the pie?”

You’re always going to run into negative people who want to tell you you can’t or shouldn’t do something.

In fact, some of those people are going to be friends and family who just want the best for you and don’t want you to take risks because they’re afraid you’ll fail.

Taking Risks Leads to Bigger Opportunities  

Listen, if you’re an entrepreneur, you were born to take risks.

You’re not satisfied unless you’re living on the edge.

You weren’t made for a 9-5 job, to clock in and clock out. Let’s face it, you’re unemployable. Because you have a mission and a purpose to make more money and make a bigger impact.

At this point in my life, entrepreneurship has become a game, and money is the point system. And I’m so grateful I’ve reached a point where I can look at things that way.

And I have people tell me “What do you know about steak houses? What do you know about rental properties? It’s too high of a risk.”

What did I know about franchises just 6 years ago? I didn’t know how to run franchises then. I took the risk and I threw myself into it. Today, Fit Body Boot Camp is one of the 15 fastest growing franchises on the planet.

My challenge to you, reader, is to figure out how you can stop thinking funnels and start owning the land you’re on.

Start thinking about how you can stop responding to customer service emails and find someone you can outsource that work to so you can start thinking at an empire level.

Hire A Fighter Jet Team

It doesn’t take any more mental horsepower to open one business as it does to open 100 businesses.

The key is to be able to hire and scale a team of people who will take on the heavy load for you.

One day somebody asked me “How do I find my empire team?”

Jason Capital and I were able to scale our business to 7 figures in a few months because we didn’t hire green people who needed training to develop their skills.

We paid for the premium account on Linkedin and recruited super star people who are already great at what they do.

You don’t have time to train people from the ground up when you’re building an empire. You gotta be able to plug them in and hit the ground running. You’re essentially buying speed.

Surround Yourself With Empire Builders

If you’re gonna think, you may as well think big.

Stop listening to the critics and focus on your mission.

Not everyone is going to support you, but you can certainly find people who do believe in your mission.

There’s networking groups, get together groups, events where guys like Elon Musk and Grant Cardone are speaking in.

I’ll even throw in a soft pitch here and say attending my Empire Mastermind will get you in with top level players.

Go to these events! Surround yourself with other empire builders because through environmental exposure, you’re gonna start thinking like them.

If I wanna be like Warren Buffett, I’m gonna go to his events. If I wanna be like Elon Musk, or Gary Vaynerchuk, or Grant Cardone, I’m gonna go to their events and places they hang out and speak in.

Odds are, you’re gonna meet other empire builders you can connect with. And through environmental exposure, you start thinking at their level.

You have to start thinking bigger than the guys who are trying to hold you down.

It’s not entirely your fault, we’ve been conditioned to think small. Mom and dad always tried to keep you safe and not take risks.

In school we had to take baby steps and go through each grade slowly and carefully.

Later, when we grow up and have this grand idea, a part of us inside goes “No, no I can’t do that. Mom and dad told me I can’t. School said I can’t.”

I’m giving you permission to break out of average thinking, and start empire thinking.

To watch Craig and I cover all of this and more in our podcast, check us out here

For more information on joining our Empire Mastermind and learning how to 10x your revenue, click here