Day: December 17, 2024


As men, we’re hardwired to be the protector and provider of our families.

The moment my wife and I found out we were expecting our first child, something primal kicked in.

I knew I would stop at nothing to give my son the best life possible…even if it meant working myself into an early grave.

But here’s what most fathers completely miss…

When I talk to dads at the Squire program, they often tell me, “I would die for my son.”

And while I respect that – it’s also dangerous thinking.

Because the moment you decide to die for your child, parts of you start dying:

Your dreams take a backseat

Your self-improvement stops

Your health begins to fade

I share this with you because your son sees everything, even the things you think go unnoticed.

He’s paying attention to how you speak to the waitress when your order is wrong. He notices if you actually keep your word and follow through. He watches whether you face problems head-on or try to avoid them entirely.

He’s learning about money management by watching how you handle your finances. Developing his views on relationships by observing yours. 

Building his work ethic by witnessing yours in action every day.

He’s actively creating his blueprint of manhood based on yours.

That’s why instead of dying for our kids, we need to LIVE for them:

Live as someone with values and character.

As an example of what it means to be strong.

As the man we want them to become.

The greatest gift we can give our sons isn’t our sacrifice – it’s our example.

The man your son becomes won’t be based on the lectures you give him during car rides or the advice you share over dinner. It will be founded on the actual life you show him through your daily actions.

The question isn’t whether he’s learning from you – he absolutely is.

The real question is: 

What exactly is he learning?

Talk soon,

Bedros Keuilian

P.S. Remember, the greatest legacy we can leave our children is not our possessions, but the example of our lives.

Want to show your son what it means to be a man of character? 

>> Join us at the next Squire class.