Author: Joan Arca

Navy SEAL’s trick question (can you get it right?)

Ray “Cash” Care, a former Navy SEAL, asked me a question that flipped my world upside down the other day.

Before I give you the answer, I want to know if you’d get the right answer. 

How many people does it take to counterbalance one negative person?

I’m no math whiz, but if you add +1 to -1, you get 0. So one positive person is all you need, right? Wrong!

You need 7 positive people to counterbalance one negative person.

This is why I constantly tell people they need to ruthlessly “trim the fat” in their lives.

When I say this, I don’t mean their waistlines, I mean the people in their lives, both in-person and on the interwebs.

For many folks, “trimming the fat” of your in-person relationships is a no-brainer. Yet, even with that happening, they’re still left in a sour mood.


Think of how many negative things are on your social media feeds. YouTube. TikTok. Facebook. Instagram.

Facebook’s Whistleblower revealed a few weeks ago that they purposely push-out content that gets you angry. I’m 100% confident they’re not the only social media company that does this.

This is why I’m telling you to not forget to “trim the fat” in the interwebs too!

The internet can easily cause negativity to leak into your lives. And you won’t be the only one affected by this. Your spouse, kids, and even dog will be affected too.

Do you think you’ll be happy after binge-watching conspiracy videos about how Biden has sold the US to China behind closed doors?

Or do you think you’ll be present at the dinner table after seeing “Becky” post on social media how happy she is in her marriage, even though the day before she told you that she discovered the affair her husband was having?

I doubt it.

So why expose yourself to those things.

Your spouse can see it when you’re catching up on your day together right before bed.

Your kids can feel it while you’re building legos with them. 

Your dog can sense it while you’re playing fetch.

I share this with you because I want you to “trim the fat” of negativity both in-person and on the internet.

Unfollow and block all the negativity from your life. So your life is filled with positivity. Which will then make you the lighthouse others can rely on to help them get out of the darkness of negativity.

To your success,



ATTENTION Moms and Dads : This is why I started the Squire Program – a father and son experience like no others. A rite of passage into manhood for boys 13-15 years old.

The next Squire Program takes place January 15th, 2022 and you and your son are invited.
SPECIAL MESSAGE TO SINGLE MOMS: If your son does not have a father figure or trusted male figure in his life please contact me and I will have one of my trusted brothers stand in with your son as he goes through the Squire Program.
Here’s to building the future!

Why You and Your Old Friends Seem To Drift Apart

Have you ever had it where you see an old friend after some time has passed and then realize that you practically have nothing in common with him? 

Or maybe after a few years in being in a relationship with someone you find yourselves like two ships passing in the night… with almost nothing in common? 

Let me explain why this happens… 

Now, I have no scientific backing to prove this theory of mine. 

But I know it’s 100% accurate, real and true. 

I call it the 20 point gap.

When you and the other person have a 20 point gap or more in your IQ, EQ and AQ then you begin to feel like strangers. 

IQ = intelligence quotient 

EQ = emotional quotient

AQ = Adversity quotient

Here’s the thing… 

If you invest into your personal growth and self-development and the other person does not, then soon, over time, you’re going to create a gap between yourself and the other person. 

When that gap exceeds 20 points then you soon realize that you and the other person don’t think the same way. That you don’t share the same values. That you don’t have much in common anymore. 

It’s almost like you’re strangers now. 

I’ve seen this happen with employees where they choose not to grow when everyone else around them was growing. 

I’ve seen this happen with business partners where one partner invests in his/her growth and development and the other doesn’t and soon they become distant and no longer share the same vision, values or work ethic. 

I’ve seen it happen with relationships where one person made the decision to grow, to get fit, to evolve and to develop into a higher human and then other stayed the same… 20 point gap, then poof, they’re divorced. 

So if you’re on a growth path then encourage others around you to grow as well. And if they don’t then you’ll see and feel the 20 point gap and you’ll end up resenting them. 

And if you’re the person who isn’t growing and you feel the other person is changing, evolving and growing then you better get on the program or you’re going to find yourself by yourself. 

Grow or die! 


PS. Speaking of growth. If you want to grow and develop mental toughness then join us for Suck Fest II on December 4th. You can do it anywhere and it’s going to be the best thing you’ve ever done for yourself. Check it out


Welcome These Men To The Brotherhood

On November 2nd at 1 pm, 33 men showed up at the MDK Compound. Ready to embark on a 75-hour journey that would change their lives forever.

After 75 hours, only 24 men graduated from the MDK Project with their heads held high with pride.

With good reason, too, for 75 hours with little-to-no sleep, these warriors fought and killed the inner-bitch, holding them back from reaching their full potential.

They were brave enough to reveal the skeletons in the closet that were never supposed to see the light of day. 

These Modern-Day Knights chose to face the inner demons that kept them up at night and conquer them.

For 75 hours, they chose to do the deep work physically, mentally, and emotionally required to grow, transform, and become their highest self. So they could become better men, husbands, fathers, and leaders.

You may think the guys who didn’t quit are invincible (and I’m sure they’ll tell you that after what they’ve been through), but they’re not. They still put pants on in the morning like you and me.

The only reason they didn’t quit is that they chose not to. They didn’t ring the bell. Unlike the 9 men who dropped out of class 011 due to an injury or simply quit.

One young man in his early 20’s rang the bell.

While another man in his late 50’s didn’t, even with a bad back and hernia. A hernia!

Interesting Fact: Class 011 pushed the MDK Brotherhood over the 100 mark!

I share this with you for two reasons:

  1. To announce that 24 men secured class 011 of the MDK Project.
  2. And to remind you that anyone who has accomplished great things in their lifetime simply didn’t quit.

Not quitting is how you can stick it to your haters and doubters.

Not quitting is how you put yourself at the top of the pecking order in your industry.

And not quitting is how you can live life on your own terms.

That’s all for today.

Talk soon,



PS. If you’re reading about The MDK Project, and are feeling the calling that this is for you. You’re feeling that inner spark being fanned into a flame.. We need to address one thing, that’s your physical capabilities. Just so you know, there will be a Physical Fitness Test, which is a pass-fail process. We know you’re ready to transform emotionally, mentally and spiritually, but if you need to get in shape in order to dominate The MDK Project, you need a program curated by graduates and instructors, you need Battle Ready. You don’t join The Project to get in shape, you get in shape to join The Project. Click here to book a time to speak with one of the trainers and graduates for Battle Ready, and be prepared to have a cornerstone fitness program tailored to you and the change you need in just 90 days.

Don’t Make This Stupid Mistake In Your Business

If your goal is to make money with your business then pay close attention to this email because I’m going to give you the key to making offers that convert.

After doing over $100 million in sales, I’ve figured out what makes an offer a winner and a loser. And it’s not what you think. 

It isn’t a ballin’ ad budget, email campaigns, or savvy sales script.

The difference between a winning and a losing offer is believability.

Believability is the gatekeeper to your customer’s wallets.

Let me show you what I mean.

We sell supplements with my company, TruLean Nutrition.

We see brands selling fat loss pills 24/7 on the interwebs…

They say things like: 

Take these pills right before you sleep and you’ll burn off slabs of body fat like it’s nothing. You don’t need to change your diet or spend hours at the gym.

You and I are both smart enough to know this is B.S. 

Your customer knows this too.

Why? Because it sounds too good to be true.

It sounds UN-believable.

As I mentioned earlier, the more unbelievable your offer the less likely your customer will pull out their wallets.

For example, Everyday Fit, our best-selling product, sells out every time we restock.

Why? Because we don’t “promise the moon” even while being in a saturated market.

This is the product description copy we use for Everyday Fit:

 Renew your day with this delicious, appetite-curbing, non-stimulant mix that boosts your metabolism while hydrating your body! This is the first-ever water enhancer that replenishes nutrients & supports an active lifestyle WITHOUT harmful sugar or stimulants. Renew your day with our antioxidant-rich, electrolyte blend, Everyday Fit!

New and loyal customers keep clearing out our inventory, WITHOUT us having to say you’ll tighten your tummy with each sip as if you got liposuction. Or claim that our hydration formula shrinks away wrinkles and fine lines like botox. 

What we say about Everyday Fit is believable. (You just saw it for yourself.)

Our customers love us for it, too.

Everyone has a built-in BS detector and if you set that off by making an aggressive and unbelievable offer then it’s going to backfire on you.

Our customers trust us, which is why they buy our other products.

If you want your customers to love you, trust you and buy from you then don’t “promise the moon”…

…just speak to the problems that your product solves and then back it up with social proof (testimonials and reviews) and then ask them to buy it.

In a world where everything is now over-hyped, people can see right through that s#it.

To your success,


PS. Did you know that over 70% of people out there are chronically dehydrated? Truth is most people just don’t drink enough water and that makes them foggy headed, slows the metabolism and makes you think you’re hungry all the time (when you’re really thirsty). Water doesn’t taste good so people don’t drink it. But water with Everyday Fit tastes amazing so you should get some here.

How to Negotiate In Business And Win

If there was just ONE skill that I’d want my kids to master in life it would be how to negotiate and win.

I’ve literally gained tens of millions of dollars in business deals, equity, real estate and profit share by negotiating big deals and making it easy for the “other side” to give me what I want by doing these three things…

1) I make sure they LIKE and TRUST me.

2) I make sure to understand what a win looks like for them.

3) I work hard to give them what they want so I can get what I want in the deal.

That’s how you negotiate BIG deals and come out a winner every time.

Truth is, those big multimillion dollar deals come a few times per year for me so I get to work on my negotiating skills every couple of months.

Now, if you’re new to business then big negociatiation opportunities probably come about once a year or even less.

But what most people don’t realize is that in life we’re faced with at least a dozen negotiation opportunities EVERYDAY.

Here’s what I mean…

Your alarm went off this morning.

If you hit snooze and went back to sleep then there was a micro negotiation that took place in between the time the alarm went off and when you hit snooze and you lost that negotiation.

If you had the intention to make ten cold sales calls today and you only made eight sales calls then once again you lost a micro negotiation that took place.

If you planned on working out first thing in the morning but ended up not working out at all that day then again you lost another micro negotiation.

Now you might think that these are just tiny little things and they don’t matter on the macro scale of life…

…and this is where you’d be wrong.

These daily, seemingly trivial micro negotiations matter the most.

The reason they matter the most is because each time a micro negotiation takes place in your head you have the chance to win and therefore build more trust and credibility and confidence with yourself…

…or you can lose the negotiation with yourself by giving into the weakness of hitting snooze, skipping the gym, missing the sales call or what-have-you and therefore erode the credibility you have with yourself and your self-confidence.

Now think about this:

What makes you think that you’re going to win BIG negotiations in life and business if you lose the small daily negotiations presented to you several times each day?

This might sound a little cold hearted and callous but the TRUTH IS: That’s how winners and losers in life are created my friend.

The micro decisions and the micro negotiations in life matter the most!

Reminds me of one of my favorite mantras in life: Everybody wants to eat. But few will hunt.

Anyhow bro, woke up this morning, had that on my heart to talk to you about so there you have it! 🙂

Have a killer week,

Bedros Keuilian

BTW, Class 011 of the Project that starts next week is SOLD OUT. So is Class 012 taking place in February. If you’ve been meaning to do the Project but have been putting it off then now might be a good time for you to register for class 013 taking place in April of 2022 (it’s only half full as of this email).

The MDK Project is for men who are looking for purpose and drive in business and in life. It’s for men who want to break through limiting beliefs and live a life of greater impact, income and influence. If that’s you, then click here to apply for the Modern Day Knight Project.

How To Network During Your Work Commute

On your commute to work, what do you do?


Do you feed your brain with podcasts, online courses, or audiobooks? Or listen to music?


If you like to feed your brain, you’re my people, and this email is for you. Because I’ve figured out a way for you to feed your network during a commute.


How you do this is simple: You reach out and support your network. In other words, support your support system. All you need is a phone, a voice, and an ear.


This practice beats seeing your network at events 2-3 times a year and catching up. This one relationship-building hack has helped me provide support to friends, family, and business partners.


I recently drove to Arizona for business, and instead of listening to an audiobook for 3+ hours, I connected with two MDK project graduates. On each of these calls, I gave these men the business wisdom and support they needed.


Now here’s the best part.


You can easily do this with 5 minute or even 3 hour-long commutes.


Let’s say you have a quick 7-minute drive to the bank. Call your mom real quick, and check in on her. And by the time you get to the bank, you can end the call and go on about your day.


For you, it took you 7 minutes.


But for your mom, it was everything she needed to brag about you. Her friends from church will be itching with jealousy when they hear how you called her while they haven’t heard from their kids in months or years.


These are some major brownie points, fellas.


Are you starting to see how this can raise up your social capital?


Speaking of capital.


You can use these calls to talk to colleagues or business partners too. Doing this will help you stand head and shoulders above everyone else in their LinkedIn or IG dms.


They’ll see you as a real person instead of a name on a screen, which can easily sway them to refer you new business.


Supporting others during your commute is a powerful tool to keep in your back pocket. You can use it to strengthen your relationship with anyone. Remember, your network is your net worth.


So the next time you have a commute, use that time to strengthen your support system.


Talk soon,




PS. If you’re one of the executives in your company, manage a team of your employees, or are a high ticket sales-person, and you’re looking to expand your network to other CEO’s, high level entrepreneurs, one of the worlds best poker players, Celebrities all who’ve joined our brotherhood, through suffering and working through mental, emotional, and spiritual trauma to level up in life, consider joining The MDK Project, and take the big leap in your personal development you’ve been dying to make.




Why I Hate These Types Of Men

The other day I posted on Instagram about men, and the type of men society needs.


Most of the comments in the post supported my message. Then, I got an interesting comment. 


Here it is:


I really like what you do, though I don’t understand why you oppose certain men to others. Sure we need to have great values, of integrity, respect, and resilience. But why should all men be masculine? Why should all men be ready to fight? ….if only we can have the right values and know-how to listen to each other. And let nature express the best in men.


My response to this comment:


I only oppose weak men. I’m pro artistic men, care-taking men, creative men, medicine men, gay men, and other men. But every single one of these men must first be prepared to stand in the gap when sh!t goes down. Every man has a responsibility to be prepared to protect.


I share this with you because I don’t want you to get it twisted.


I’m not calling out all non-macho-looking men.


I’m going after the weak men.




Imagine a world where there weren’t any.


A world where men stood up to shake your hand.


A world where men made eye contact.


A world where men kept their word.


A world where men were feared by politicians.


Our communities would feel safe and protected knowing that capable men stand at the ready to keep their promise to f*ck up anyone who endangered their way of life.


If we had men like this there wouldn’t be a health care shortage.


There wouldn’t be vaccine mandates dividing our friends and neighbors against each other.


There wouldn’t be a catastrophic border crisis.


Skyrocketing inflation rates.


Or even “Karens”.


It’s become the norm for men to talk a “Big Game” but don’t back it up.


So much so, they’re in “leadership” positions in the government. Look at Gavin Newsom and President Joe Biden.


Men, it’s time to step it up.


Get in the fight.


Stay in the fight.


And make men great again!


We need more Modern Day Knights in this world.

If you agree then come join us – CLICK HERE.


Talk soon,






Network = Net Worth?

There’s a popular saying that gets tossed around in the world of success. It sounds something like this…

Your network is your net worth.

Is this true?

It depends.

There are a lot of variables when it comes to being successful.

But I’ll say the better your network is, the higher the likelihood your net worth is too.

It’s no secret.

It’s why mega-successful entrepreneurs say clever things. Like:

  • “Show me your friends, and I’ll show you your future.”
  • “You are the five people you spend the most time with.”
  • “You become who you hang with.”

It’s why I surround myself with former Navy SEALs, Venture Capitalists, Best-selling Authors, and purpose-driven leaders.

I don’t believe there’s a shortcut to success. But if I did, the shortcut would be to have a better network and learn from a mentor who’s where you want to be.

If you want to expand your network while I show you step-by-step how to scale your business to higher profits to live a better life, and lead with confidence, then I recommend you join my 90-Day Income Ignition Mentorship.

My 90-Day Income Ignition Mentorship kicks off on October 14th. It’s designed to help you scale your income and structure your systems and leadership so that you can become an industry dominator. 

Look at one of the text messages I got from one of my clients in 90-Day Income Ignition Mentorship:

I get messages like this daily, and I look forward to getting texts like this from you too.

Click here to apply for the 90-Day Income Ignition Mentorship.


Talk soon!




How To Build Relationships With Kick-@ss People

Over the weekend, on a Saturday night, I had a housewarming party at my place.


My wife, Diana, and I renovated our home, and we wanted to bring some of our closest friends together to celebrate.


We had people like Ed Mylett, a best-selling author, Jason Redman, a former Navy SEAL, Randall Pich, the CEO of Live Fit Apparel, and many more in attendance.


The relationships I have with these people are priceless.


No iced-out watch, beachfront property, or sleek sports car could ever replace these people. Or bring me the amount of joy and happiness these people give me.


It goes without saying.


The party was a blast.


We ate amazing food, shared some laughs, and ate ice cream together.


Opening up my home to these amazing people is something I can never put a price tag on.


I’ve known some of these guys for years.


I tell you this because strong relationships are the real key to long-term success and happiness as an entrepreneur.


If you’re an entrepreneur who wants to get to the next level faster than the average Joe, focus on building lasting relationships.


To help you do this, use one of my oldest tricks in the books for building relationships with kick-@ss people.


Do this: Give, give, give, then give some more, and then ask. 


Whenever I meet someone new, I ask myself, “How can I be of service to them?”


Doing this right out of the gate sets up your relationship on a strong foundation. Because if you can help them reach an objective, make a connection, or overcome an obstacle, you’re showing through your actions that you’re willing to invest in them first.


Having a “giving hand” sets you, leagues apart, from the other guys who establish the relationship on taking. Asking for something right away shows that you see them as a stepping stone and not a person. 


This has been my go-to trick for building life-long relationships with great people. 


If you use this trick, who knows, they might be at your house on a Saturday night eating ice cream with you.


To your success,




PS. If you want to learn high level business strategy from a guy like myself who’s grown several companies over the past 2 decades in sales, marketing, systems and structures to grow your business and have more time freedom, join my 90 Day Income Ignition program. I offer very similar coaching in my 1 on 1 year-long private coaching that costs $100,000,  but since this will be via Zoom, and 3 months, this coaching comes at a fraction of what my 1 year of coaching costs, Apply now to my 90 Day Business Coaching and get one of the few remaining spots for $10,000.

What To Do When The Clock Is Ticking

A year ago, everyone and their momma wanted my job.

I was the CEO of the international fitness franchise, Fit Body Boot Camp, with over 700 locations.

Then overnight, because of a “v!rus,” everyone was repulsed by my job.

They didn’t want to touch it even with a 20-foot pole.

I don’t blame them. I didn’t even want to touch it either.

Overnight Fit Body Boot Camp, along with the entire fitness industry, came to a screeching halt.

We had to stop what we were doing and close down our doors.

But you know what didn’t stop?

My bills.

Those needed to get paid one way or another.

I wasn’t the only one who got roped into this sh!tty deal.

All my Fit Body Boot Camp Franchisees were a part of it too.

So did other franchise gyms like Orangetheory Fitness and F45 Training.

The clock was ticking.

Bills needed to get paid. Families needed to pay rent and put food on the table.

And the only way we were able to make money was taken away from us.

To put it lightly, this situation was f@cked.

This put a lot of pressure on me because my franchisees bought into my dream and were relying on me to fix it.

I knew I wasn’t the only one who felt this pressure.

The chain of command at Orangetheory Fitness and F45 Training did too.

Yet, there’s one thing that separated me from those other leaders.

I didn’t let the pressure immobilize me with fear.

I still felt it, but instead of imploding on myself and letting others down, I took action. 

I figured out new ways for my franchise owners to pay their bills and even thrive during the lockdowns.

Some stuff failed… and… others were grand slams.

Unfortunately, I can’t say other gyms and franchises were so lucky. 

Do you know what these other franchises did?


They curled up into a ball and rocked back and forth, hoping this “nightmare” would go away.

It was heartbreaking. Hearing franchise owners tell me, they can’t sell anything because XYZ has told them not to.

The result of this in-action and cowardliness caused many families to close down their doors forever, and collect unemployment checks.

There’s a reason why I’m sharing this with you right now.

I want you to understand that if sh!t hits the fan, and you feel like everything is falling apart as I did. Know that you’re not the only one who’s affected by it.

People are looking to you for guidance when things go south.

It is your job as a leader to guide and protect them.

Don’t go into the fetal position and “wait” until it passes, while you leave others out to dry.

Talk soon,



PS. If you’ve ever considered working with me as a coach, where I get my experience, knowledge, insight and mistakes I carry along  with me as an entrepreneur, and can’t afford the cost to hire me as a  private 1 on 1 coach ($100,000 per year), but still want to experience a breakthrough in your business and get unstuck from your current state of the business, Click here to join my 90 Day Coaching Program. It’s a fraction of the cost, but the same high level high speed growth and implementation.

Click here to apply and see if you qualify to join this small group of entrepreneurs and business owners whole will go into 2022 with more money and more time freedom.