Author: Joan Arca

How Entrepreneurs Saved Christmas

Merry Christmas, you filthy animal!

Buckle in because here comes an eggnog-fueled rant about why entrepreneurs must exist and how we save Christmas every year.

If you’re an entrepreneur, I love you. Don’t let the Soy-Boy Twinkies, Karen’s, and morons on the news bring you down.

You’re the glue holding everything up because there wouldn’t be an economy without you.

Without you, there wouldn’t be Christmas.

Many households celebrate today only for Jesus.

The Keuilian household doesn’t. We also celebrate entrepreneurs and capitalism.

What I just said, might tussle a few feathers.

Watch tomorrow. 

My name will be blasted all over CNN because of what I said. 

F@ck ’em.

I love Christmas because it represents the pinnacle of entrepreneurship. We’re making the world go round guys.

Think about everything that’s happening right now.

It’s Christmas morning, and kids all across the nation are waking up with smiles on their faces, screaming with joy. Also, because of your hard work and donations, parents in low-income households can have their kids wake up with presents too.

Aren’t we amazing?

I’m getting goosebumps talking about this right now.

And I’m not even close to being done with my rant yet.

Right now, we’re under attack.

We’re being painted as the bad guys.

The media has twisted the narrative so badly on us it’s almost become a crime to be successful.

I know some people who don’t talk about their successes because they don’t want to paint a target on their back.

This is ludicrous.

We shouldn’t be shunned like a leper. Or looked at as the “black sheep” of society.

Without us, the world would be a boring and sh!tty place.

We’re the ones responsible for creating things like:

  • Airplanes
  • Toothbrushes
  • Blockchain
  • Cars
  • Electricity
  • Next day shipping

The list could go on and on.

Everything we use in our day-to-day lives was created by entrepreneurs.

Entrepreneurs are the inventors, innovators, trend-setters, and history-creators.

So if you’re an entrepreneur, walk around with your head held high.

Don’t let the media, Karen’s, or government bring you down.

Don’t let these B.S. mandates and lockdowns stop you from living the life you deserve.

Just because it’s winter doesn’t mean you can go outside and make big-ass snowmen.

Right now, we’re in the “winter months” of entrepreneurship.

Things have been tough, yet with winter comes great opportunities.

This is why I want to invite you to the Ignition Mastermind.

Once a year, I host a one-day mastermind meet-up at my HQ in southern California, where I share the branding strategy, lead generation tactics, sales systems, and operational leadership tactics you need to scale your business and profits even faster.

We’re still ironing out the fine lines of what you’ll get, but here’s what will happen on January 21, 2022.

8 AM: We’ll work out at BK Strength

9 – 10 AM: Get ready to eat lunch

11 AM: Meet at HQ, break bread, and network

12 until End of Day: I’ll coach you, do an open Q&A, and my favorite, Hot Seats.

Again, this isn’t the final schedule, but I thought you’d like to get an idea of what you’re getting into.

This isn’t some free mastermind meet-up.

To be in this room, you must:

  • Have an existing business and sales process in place
  • Make at least 6-figures
  • And most importantly, be open and willing to give and receive help.

Why? Because I’ll show you what’s working right now.

To ensure the Ignition Mastermind stays to my high standards, I’ll have my right-hand man, Julian, screening applicants.

I’m in the trenches like you every day, so I’ll show you simple tweaks you can implement in your business to take your income and lifestyle to the next level. And then give you the next 3 moves to make to keep your momentum going.

Some of my best $100,000 year coaching clients will be there.

I’d love for you to meet them.

There are only 7 more spots left, so if this sounds like it’ll help your business, I look forward to seeing you on the 21st!

>>> See if you qualify

Merry Christmas





Leadership Is A Double-Edged Sword

I used to think my business would scale faster than ever by spending an obscene amount of money on hiring A-players.

In theory, this sounds like a genius move that guarantees you’ll reach the top of the mountain. 

But here’s the thing about mountains, there are cliffs you can fall off of if you’re not careful.

I learned this lesson (the hard way) when I almost led Fit Body Boot Camp off a cliff.

Here’s the story…

A few years back, I thought I could throw money at A-players like an NBA owner, so they could run and lead the company.

In my head, this worked out perfectly. 

I would have brought in high-level people into my business, which would cause my business to operate at a high level.

Thinking I cracked the code to success, I put my feet up as if I was chilling on the beach. 

I hit cruise control and expected the rest of my journey to be smooth sailing.

I mean, on paper, it sounded like I reached paradise, but in reality, I created my own hell on earth.

My “genius” idea backfired on me big time! 

In a matter of months, I was on the brink of bankruptcy, and team members were leaving in droves.

This was the opposite of what I had envisioned.

I asked myself night after night, “WTF happened? My business should be taking off, not crashing.”

Then in a Barnes and Nobles parking lot – where I used to hide from my problems – the universe downloaded a valuable lesson about business and leadership.

My leadership skills sucked.

I wasn’t showing up on time every day in the office.

I was a “do as I tell, not do as I do” type of leader. The worst kind there is.

This lack of leadership affected the A-players I brought in.

They saw that I didn’t care as much. Pay attention to the details. Keep my promises. Or get after it.

They saw me as the kid who didn’t do his share of the work on the group project and expected others to do it for him. You know who I’m talking about.

So what did my A-players do? They became the kid who expected others to pick up the slack too.

Who could blame them? They were following my lead.

You see, I thought I didn’t need to lead anymore because I hired A-players, and it almost cost me everything.

I share this with you because leadership is a double-edged sword.

It can be the reason why you reach the mountain top.

Or the reason why you fall off a cliff.

To your success,

Bedros Keuilian

P.S. Don’t want to lead your company off a cliff? I want to invite you to my Ignition Mastermind on January 21, 2022.

Once a year, I host this one-day mastermind meet-up at my HQ here in southern California, where I share the branding strategy, lead generation tactics, sales systems, and operational leadership tactics you need to scale your business and profits even faster.

Some of my best VIP coaching clients will be there. I’d love for you to meet them.

There are only 7 more spots left, so if this sounds like it’ll help your business, I look forward to seeing you on the 21st!

>>> See if you qualify




No BS Way to Confidence in 2022

I often get asked, “How can I become more confident in 2022?”

I used to ask myself this question all the time, and after years of trial and error, I’ve figured out the answer.

To become more confident, you need to do hard sh!t.

There’s no other way around it.

This reminds me of the time I did my 6-week Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) Challenge.

For a month and a half, for 3 days a week, I had Peter Sutton, a 3rd-degree black belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, teach me MMA.

I thought I’d be fine when I first started because I was big and strong. But boy, I was in for a surprise. 

Peter easily put me into every choke and submission in the book. These ass whoopings went on for 2 hours. So each week for 6 hours, I was tossed around like a rag doll caught in a tornado, and my body felt it.

There were more times than I could count where I wanted not to show up and text him I was busy at the office.

He knew what I did and would understand.

But I’d know it was a B.S. excuse.

After many conversations with the inner-bitch, I never canceled on him.

Then after a few weeks of getting man-handled, a shift happened.

I felt more confident. I felt like a badass. Knowing I could handle myself if I got into a fight on the street.

I share this story with you because it took me several 6-week challenges like this one to be confident.

For you to be the most confident version of yourself in 2022, you must do hard sh!t every day, week, and month.

It doesn’t matter what it is as long as it is hard AF and pushes you to your limits. Because you’ll soon experience the shift that occurs that makes you more confident and kills your inner-bitch.


To your success,



Right now, we’re in the “winter months” of entrepreneurship.

Things have been tough, yet with winter comes great opportunities.

This is why I want to invite you to the Ignition Mastermind.

Once a year, I host a one-day mastermind meet-up at my HQ in southern California, where I share the branding strategy, lead generation tactics, sales systems, and operational leadership tactics you need to scale your business and profits even faster.

We’re still ironing out the fine lines of what you’ll get, but here’s what will happen on January 21, 2022.

8 AM: We’ll work out at BK Strength

9 – 10 AM: Get ready to eat lunch

11 AM: Meet at HQ, break bread, and network

12 until End of Day: I’ll coach you, do an open Q&A, and my favorite, Hot Seats.

Again, this isn’t the final schedule, but I thought you’d like to get an idea of what you’re getting into.

This isn’t some free mastermind meet-up.

To be in this room, you must:

  • Have an existing business and sales process in place
  • Make at least 6-figures
  • And most importantly, be open and willing to give and receive help.

Why? Because I’ll show you what’s working right now.

To ensure the Ignition Mastermind stays to my high standards, I’ll have my right-hand man, Julian, screening applicants.

I’m in the trenches like you every day, so I’ll show you simple tweaks you can implement in your business to take your income and lifestyle to the next level. And then give you the next 3 moves to make to keep your momentum going.

Some of my best $100,000 year coaching clients will be there.

I’d love for you to meet them.

There are only 7 more spots left, so if this sounds like it’ll help your business, I look forward to seeing you on the 21st!

>>> See if you qualify

Merry Christmas




$100,000 Private Coaching Email

I’ve been reflecting on how my $100,000 a year private coaching client can make 2022 their most profitable year yet…

And then I thought, why not share it with you too.

I copied and pasted the email below.



We’re about to enter a new year with a new scoreboard.

Since you’ve been with me, we’ve made sure to rake up as many points in the win column as much as possible.

It’s been nothing short of amazing seeing you and your business grow in 2021, but that’s now in the past.

The wins you collected don’t matter anymore.

The mistakes you accidentally made don’t matter anymore.

What matters right now is what you’re gonna do in 2022.

So the question we must keep asking ourselves is…

How can I make 2022 my most profitable year yet?

Think hard and deep about this over the holidays.

Here are a few things to spark up some creative profit creating ideas:

– Raise your prices.

– Automate your follow-up with emails or text messages.

– Get new leads and customers by diversifying your traffic source.

– Create a course, so you’re no longer trading time for money.

– Develop your team members.

I could go on and on, and I’m confident you’re more than capable of figuring one or two needle movers to make 2022 a year to remember.

Here’s one profit-lever I focus on every year. 

It’s expanding my network.

Your network is your net worth.

I’ll preach this until the day I die.

Your network is the BIGGEST leverage point to skyrocketing the level of income you bring in.

This is why I go out of my way to build relationships with amazing people like:

  • Craig Ballantyne, the genius of maximizing productivity.
  • Sharran Srivatsaa, the king of scale.
  • Dan Fleshman, The Godfather of social media.

You might know of these guys since I’ve made an introduction.

Each of these relationships has skyrocketed the quality of my life in one way or another. And I made it my top priority to do the same for them too.

If you don’t have a list of people you want to build a relationship with, make one now. 

If I know them, I’ll make an intro, so you can make 2022 your most profitable year yet.

Let me know what your goals are, so I can see how I can help you reach them faster.

Never Peak!



BTW, there’s no better way to start of vision building with your goals for 2022 than joining me and other high level entrepreneurs and business owners on Jan 21st for my once-a-year Mastermind Workshop.

It will be an incredibly valuable day with a morning workout with you and me at my private gym, down the street from HQ, we’ll have lunch together and go right into the Mastermind with tons of time for in-depth Q & A, strategy coaching sessions, and hot seat style breakthrough sessions. Click here to learn more, and if its a great fit we’ll invite you over to join us for my Business Ignition Mastermind. Hope to see you there!


You’re Being Judged

Whether we like it or not, people judge us all the time.

This judgment gets magnified on social media.

People make snap judgments off the ads, videos, and images we post. They think they know everything about us…  Well, they assume they do.

Look, you can’t fight human nature. It’s what we are. 

We judge people and then base our judgment calls on those assumptions. This type of thinking has been ingrained in us since caveman days. 

Back in those times, we didn’t have time to see if something was friendly. It was: kill or get killed.

That’s enough history for the moment, but…

What are your customer’s sayings about you when they see your stuff? What are they thinking about?

Could you be unconsciously pushing them away? Another way to put it: Is your business where you want it to be?

If it’s not, here’s what’s happening.

They’re not seeing what they need to see.

If you want to make your marketing efforts to bring in more moolah and collect more leads to expand your business, your customers NEED to see what they NEED to see.

This might be a bit “meta,” so let me give you some examples of what happens…

If you’re a fat personal trainer trying to get clients, no one will come to you to lose weight. 

If you’re a financial expert, and it looks like you live in your mom’s basement, you’re not going to get paid (or move out anytime soon).

If you’re a dog trainer, but your dog acts like a bat out of hell, no one will book your services.

There are dozens of examples like this.

But I’m sure my point is getting across.

Now, I’m not saying you need to be perfect. This is a big blind spot in people’s marketing campaigns. No one is, so why bother. Plus, it makes you look like a fool.

So the next time you film a video…

Ask yourself this question: What do YOU need to look like to your dream customers?

If you’re able to look like what they NEED to see, they’re more likely to know, like, and trust you. Which are the 3 things needed for someone to buy. If you can get the masses to know, like, and trust you, you’ll need to hire a person whose job is to deposit checks at the bank. 

That’s all for today!

To your success,



PS. If you want to learn more business tactics and the systems I use in operations, sales, marketing, scaling, networking, to build my multiple 8-figure businesses. You should come to my Once-Per-Year Ignition Mastermind on Jan 21’st.

It will be an incredibly valuable day with a morning workout with you and me at my private gym, down the street from HQ, we’ll have lunch together and go right into the Mastermind with tons of time for in-depth Q & A, strategy coaching sessions, and hot seat style breakthrough sessions. Click here to learn more, and if its a great fit we’ll invite you over to join us for my Business Ignition Mastermind. Hope to see you there!


Is Being Obsessed Bad?

The people who are the best at what they do or change the world are obsessed.

For example…

Charles Darwin was obsessed with proving evolution (and going against the church).

Amelia Earhart was obsessed with becoming the first woman to fly across the Atlantic.

Martin Luther King Jr was obsessed with equal rights for everyone.

Steve Jobs was obsessed with creating sleek, compact computers, laptops, and smartphones.

I’m obsessed with helping people live healthier and happier lives.

The people we look up to and idolize today were obsessed with accomplishing their “life’s task”.

Too many people today view obsession as a bad thing. 

To outsiders, obsession looks sickening. Because of this, they’re labeled with “disorders” like Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD).

I say this because I’ve been diagnosed with OCD.

When I share this with people, their eyes look at me with sympathy. They look at me with eyes that say, “You poor thing.” I still don’t know why they feel that way.

To me, my OCD has been my superpower, and it allows me to pay massive attention to detail.

This then allows me to create a one-of-a-kind experience for my Fit Body Boot Camp customers. I pay close attention to how the weights are set up, the color scheme, and customer experience from the start of the workout to the end.

This may seem like too much to people who aren’t obsessed, but Disneyland does the same thing.

Disneyland has people fly from all corners of the world to get the “Disney Experience”.

Fit Body Boot Camp is an international franchise with locations across the globe.

Do you see the pattern?

I share all this with you because I want to let you know that it’s okay to be obsessed.

The most successful people in history were obsessed too.

If there’s something you’re obsessed with accomplishing, don’t stop.

Dive deeper, so you can leave a lasting impact that people talk about.

Talk soon,


PS. Every young boy wants to know deep down inside if he has what it takes to be a man. It’s been my obsession as a father to guide, mentor and lead young men into manhood. 

That’s why I created the Squire Program – a 15 rite of passage experience for boys 12-16 years old and their fathers.

Click this  link  to learn more about the January 15th class. 

Moms! If your Son does not have a father in his life or a male figure to take him through the Squire program, please contact me and I will have a mentor stand in and take your son through the program.

Jesus, The Greatest Marketer Of All Time

No one likes to be marketed to, but everyone likes to buy new stuff. 

If you say you’re a marketer, you might as well say you’re a politician. It’s not a “noble” profession in some circles.

Yet big tech companies like Apple have entire departments dedicated to one thing, marketing – because they know that marketing leads to sales and sales is how you print money. 

But not all marketing is the same. There’s the greasy marketing tactics that you’ll see that stand the hair on the back of your neck. And then there’s the cleaver marketing that makes you want to go buy the product or service. 

So today, I’ll show you how to market to people in a very cool way so they don’t know they’re being sold and instead feel like they’re making the buying decision. 

It’s called storytelling.

Everybody loves a good story. For example, look at the Bible. 

It’s a book that’s made up of stories. Because of this, it’s the best-selling book of all time (over 5 billion copies).

Jesus knows how to market! 

Anyway – My good friend, Frank Kern (the godfather of internet marketing), is a master at storytelling. This is why he’s one of the best marketers on the planet that seems to make more money with every new IOS update. If you run ads, you know this is no small feat.

Frank uses a 3-step framework to tell his stories, and the Bible loosely follows this framework too.

It’s point, story, metaphor.

The stories you tell don’t have to have to be anything fancy or Biblical.

They can be about your dog.

Let me give you a quick example of how this framework works using my dog Cookie to talk about personal development for men.

Point: Men need a purpose or they’ll sabotage their lives.

Story: When I first got Cookie, her dog trainer said she needed a sense of purpose, or she’d create one for herself. Her trainer then said, “If I don’t give her a purpose, she’ll give herself one by digging holes in your beautiful backyard.” Hearing this, I gave Cookie a purpose. Her purpose is to bring the ball back to me when we play fetch and to protect the home. Since she’s had this purpose, she’s been an amazing dog that doesn’t dig holes in my backyard.

Metaphor: I share this with you because men who don’t have a sense of purpose will begin to dig holes in their own lives and erode into depression, anxiety and addictions. 

BOOM! That’s how easy it is to execute this framework to the “T.” And it’s how you can market to people without them hating your guts.

When people know they’re getting marketed to, they tighten their grip on their wallets. But when you can market through storytelling then you never have to sell because people will naturally want to buy. 

So if you want to spread your message, impact people’s lives, and make enough dough to donate to the causes you want to support and win your financial freedom, then tell better stories.

Speaking of which… 

Do you know why I started the Modern Day Knight Project? 

Most people think it’s to help create alpha males. That couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, the MDK Project was developed to help high performing men break through limiting beliefs, get unstuck in business and in life and start healing the wounds caused by trauma. 

If you want the whole story of how the Modern Day Knight Project came to be then check this out. 

Talk soon,

Bedros Keuilian 

Every Successful Person I Know Does THIS

One thing I preach over and over again is that in order to create a baller network of badasses is simple. You need empathy.

I’ve seen empathy act as a backstage pass to the most coveted circles with nearly all my mega-successful friends and business partners.

Today, many of us spend most of our time focused inwardly on our own emotions, wants, and needs. This type of focus isolates us from experiencing and tuning into others’ wants, and needs. (I’m certainly guilty of this).

This is why I tell everyone to have more empathy.

Empathy allows you to…

  • See the world from their perspective.
  • Appreciate others as human beings.
  • Understand people’s feelings.
  • Communicate your understanding.

Now, this is where empathy turns a regular network into a baller network.

If you focus outward instead of inward when you meet someone, you’ll be a breeze of fresh air to them. A rare encounter they’ll remember and tell their friends about.

Why? Because it’s rare to find a person who’s empathetic towards other people’s moods, wants, and needs.

Focusing outwardly is a game-changer, and it’s why nearly every successful person I know is empathetic. 

When I was younger, and much less successful, I wasn’t empathetic. This lost me more deals and relationships than I can count.

If there was anything that has changed my life for the better, it has been empathy.

If empathy doesn’t come naturally to you like it didn’t with me, don’t worry. It’s a skill you can work on daily.

The best way to become more empathetic is to start listening to others when you talk to them. I mean, listen to them, NOT listen to where you can interject your opinion.

Doing this will help you become more empathic, which will then help you make more and have a baller network.

To your success,

Bedros Keuilian 

PS. Suffer with me and hundreds of people worldwide on December 4th 🏋🏽‍♀️🏃🏻

SUCK FEST II – 26.2 miles and 4080 reps

Do it at home.

Do it at your gym.

Do it with a group of people.

Do it for time.

Do it at your own pace.

Do it because 99.9% of the world won’t do anything uncomfortable because they prefer comfort.

Do it to meet your highest self.

Do it for self-reflection.

Do it to set your intentions for the new year!

Do it because I’m donating 100% of the money to Shriners Hospital For Children.

Do it for the awesome shirt that can only be earned and NOT bought.

Click here for more deets!

Much love ❤️🦍

This ONE Thing Will Make You Tons Of Dough

I share this one idea with my private coaching clients that have made them a lot of dough over the years.

If you understand and absorb it into your brain, you’ll never look at the prices on restaurant menus again.

This one idea is selling people what they WANT (and not what they really need).

For example:

When COVID hit, people searched high and low for ways to boost their immune systems. They were willing to do anything, like purchase pallets of toilet paper (I still don’t know why this happened).

Anyways – there are several ways to boost your immune system. You can get 8-hours of sleep a night, exercise, eat your veggies, etc.

A lot of people are willing and fine with this. And many would agree with me. This is what a lot of people NEED.

However, the masses WANT a simple and easy fix that won’t force them to change their lifestyle. They still WANT to go to sleep when they want, eat cookies, etc., and still get healthier.

Knowing this, my team and I developed the Wellness Shot. It boosts your immune system, and it takes barely 27 seconds to mix and drink.

I won’t give you the exact figures of how much this one product has made us, but let’s say it’s brought in plenty of dough.

Why did this happen? Because we gave people what they WANTED.

They don’t need to work out and get sweaty to boost their immune system. All they need to do is take a Wellness Shot.

And it’s why the Wellness Shot is one of our most popular products that sell like crazy.

We sell what people WANT.

You can install this big lesson in your business that can make you millions if you truly grasp it.

Most people don’t buy things they need. They buy things they WANT.

It’s why we buy greens powder supplements instead of eating a plate full of veggies and fruits.

Or why we’re willing to spend an obscene amount of booze and drugs to deal with their problems than talk to a therapist.

People buy what they WANT.

You can try all you want to sell people what they need (good luck).

But smart entrepreneurs realize how much easier it is to sell people what they WANT.

My private coaching clients have paid me $100,000 to show them this, and you got it for free.

So plug this into your business, and I can’t want to hear how much you’ve made.

That’s all for today.

To your future success,



Real quick, what we’re doing for Black Friday is giving 20% off everything… PLUS the first 500 orders get a high quality TruLean Shaker Cup with a bunch of supplements samples in them and random Shaker Cups also have cash money in them.

By random I mean a bunch of the shaker cups have a money in them lol
Go to – use code BF20 to get a 20% discount off the best tasting grass fed whey protein, EveryDay Fit hydration formula, immunity boosting Wellness Shots, and the popular Green Apple Greens.
Enjoy the best tasting supplements, the awesome TruLean Shaker Cup and I hope you win some serious cash!


Are You a Warrior or a Gardener?

Bruce Lee once said, “It’s better to be a warrior in a garden than to be a gardener in a war.”

I couldn’t agree more, and it’s why we teach men at the Modern Day Knight Project this.

Let’s face reality, you and I aren’t Bruce Lee fighting bad guys in Enter the Dragon. Or fighting on a battlefield in a foreign country like my Navy SEAL my buddies, Ray Care and Jason Redman did. 

Hollywood makes blockbuster movies about these battles. The battles you and I face don’t often get that type of limelight. Our daily battles are growing a business, getting in shape, or simply dealing with idiots.

I share this with you for one specific reason.

It doesn’t matter if you’re in a battle with terrorists or in a battle to get your toddler to go to sleep on time…

If you don’t SEE and FEEL the winning outcome clearly in your mind… GAME OVER. 

If there’s even the thinnest shred of doubt in your mind, the battle is lost before it starts.

I don’t want you to lose before you start, so here are two simple tips to get your mind “on point” before any battle:

  1. Create a state of positive mental attitude that stacks the odds of winning in your favor.
  1. Develop mental focus and discipline. And ruthlessly protect your mind from negative people and negative thoughts that want to ambush your progress!

I can’t stress this enough.

The battles you get into are won or lost in the mind before it’s ever fought on the battlefield.

Don’t lose before it starts.

Win before it starts.

Talk soon,


Bedros Keuilian

PS. If you’re an entrepreneur, you know that you need systems. Systems do just what we mentioned, your results become predictable. Whether that’s leadership, marketing and sales or operating systems, it’s the only way you can scale and dominate your industry. If you’re a reader of this blog, you want all the business and mindset secrets I’ve utilized in my life. On January 21’s 2022, Im hosting a Full-Day In-Person Mastermind at my HQ here in Southern California. I’m dropping in depth strategies when it comes to all my operating, lead generating and even my leadership systems that helped me grow Fit Body Bootcamp to one of the fastest growing franchises in history, sell my coaching program for $100,000 per year, and grow my Supplement company to 8-figures in just 2 and a half years. DM me on Instagram “Mastermind” to get the details and how you can get on board. Find me on instagram by clicking here! See you Jan. 21’st